Volunteer Opportunities
At ROCORI School District we depend a great deal on volunteers. We appreciate all community members who are willing to lend their time and talents to our schools. There are several opportunities available to help out – whether you are able to on a regular basis, a short term basis, or from home. There’s always a lot of things to do for our kids.
Ongoing volunteers who are able to help on a regular basis are needed in the following areas:
- Reading or listening to students read
- Working with a small group of students
- Before and After school hall supervisor/friendly presence
- Lunch room supervision
- Academic tutoring for students
Short-term or one-time volunteers are needed for:
- Classroom celebrations or activity assistance
- Chaperoning field trips
- Hanging up displays
Volunteers can also help from home in the following areas:
- Cutting items
- Assembling book orders
A volunteer may be any non-paid person, including parents, young adults, senior citizens or other community members, who have a genuine interest in enhancing the lives of students and strengthening school-community relations.
If you are interested, contact the building directly to complete a volunteer application form. They will advise you what level of volunteer background check you need submitted, depending on what you will be doing in the building.
Click on the button below to submit it electronically.
THE COST IS $18.00