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School Board


To assist in the process of making the mission and vision a reality, school board meeting agendas and information are posted on-line and through the district website.  BoardBook, a web-based software application is being used to extend district communications and transparency in district processes.

BoardBook assists the district by helping to streamline the preparation of board agenda materials.  It builds a searchable archive of meeting agenda resources and minutes.  It opens the door to electronic distribution of meeting materials, to web posting of finished documents and ultimately, to paperless meetings.

ROCORI Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Board Meeting Calendar

District Policy Manual

Strategic Plan


The ROCORI School Board is committed to the district mission.  In order to be Central Minnesota’s public education standard of excellence, the school board desires to make a difference today to create a better tomorrow for ROCORI’s students and communities.

One part of the district vision is to make the ROCORI Schools a focal point of the community through communications and connections that increase understanding, accountability, interest and involvement. The board’s intended direction is to provide consistent, honest and timely communications between and within staff and community.


Much of the work of the ROCORI School Board is conducted through the various standing committees of board assignments.  Each of the members of the school board has a portfolio of committee assignments and/or serve as a representative of the board to an organization related to the school district.  Committee assignments are an important part of the functions of the school board and school district

Click here to see the complete list of committees and their School Board representatives.



ROCORI School Board meetings are recorded and broadcast on Tri-City Cable local access Channel 10.  Most broadcasts of meetings air on Channel 10 the Wednesday following the meetings.  They are also made available on the ROCORI YouTube channel.

All regular school board meetings include the opportunity for Comments and Requests from Visitors.  This is part of the agenda which allows members of the public to offer comment to the school board and to participate in the school board meeting.

Click here to read ROCORI's ESSER III Plan

Click here to find the ROCORI ESSER Spending Plan on the MDE Website

Board Members Per Diem Rate for 2025
Chair: $333 per month
Treasurer: $304 per month
All other members: $278 per month
Board Negotiators: $1521 annually


Board Meeting Broadcasts

ROCORI School Board meetings are broadcast on Channel 10 through Tri City Cable.

Rebroadcast: 1:00 PM the following day & the next Saturday at 6:30 PM. 

The ROCORI School board is comprised of six elected representatives.  Board members are elected to serve terms of four years of office by the constituents of the school district.  School Board elections are scheduled every two years. Three seats are filled in each regular election.

  • School board members serving through December 31, 2026 include Jennifer Bohnsack, Kayla Nierenhausen, and Matt Thompson.
  • School board members serving through December 31, 2028 include Lynn Schurman, Jenna Kollar, and Robin Vettleson

To email the entire board:

The ROCORI School Board typically has its regular meetings on the second and fourth Monday of the month.  The full annual calendar of meetings is set in July for the school year.

ROCORI School Board Leadership Positions

Jennifer Bohnsack

Titles: Chair

Jenna Kollar

Titles: Clerk

Kayla Nierenhausen

Titles: Director

Lynn Schurman

Titles: Vice Chair

Matt Thompson

Titles: Director

Robin Vettleson

Titles: Treasurer